CSD Property

If you have any questions, contact the Property Management Group at PropertyManagement@lbl.gov.

What is Property?

Anything purchased on Berkeley Lab funding is owned by Berkeley Lab on behalf of the Department of Energy.  It is the responsibility of the custodian of LBNL property to ensure it is accounted for and maintained.  Berkeley Lab applies unique barcode tags to Equipment items costing $10K or more (Controlled) and items that are Attractive by definition, highly portable, easily converted to personal use and more susceptible to theft than other property regardless of cost, i.e, computers.  Property costing less than $10K and not sensitive by definition is tagged, when appropriate, with an orange tag identifying it as “LBNL/DOE U.S. Government Property”.  Such property is called Administratively Controlled Property.

The CSD Property Management team ensures effective and efficient management of government assets within the division. By working directly with Berkeley Lab Property Management and our division staff, we support the needs of Berkeley Lab and the DOE by overseeing end to end management of assets.

Asset Custodianship


Do not make loans, transfers or disposal decisions - no matter how old the item -  without first consulting CSD Property.  You will be responsible for missing/lost items and such missing or lost items can have a significant impact on Berkeley Lab.

Returning Telework Equipment

Departing employees must return any LBNL property used during telework to LBNL

Additional Resources

The CSD Asset team supports Berkeley Lab’s mission by providing researchers and staff with professional, timely services and expertise. 

Questions? Contact the CSD Property Representative:

Gracie Hernandez, MGHernandez@lbl.gov , 510-207-9332

Resources for CSD Office Personnel