CSD Useful Links

Welcome to the Chemical Sciences Division version of the “A to Z Index” of useful resources. Since all the information is on one page, you can do a keyword search* to find a topic of interest. Please email CSDWebsite@lbl.gov if you have any questions or suggestions.

*Keyboard shorts are Command+F on a Mac OR CTRL+F on a PC (F=Find)

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q  R   S  T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z

A (top)

A to Z Index (Lab Wide): one of the quickest and most reliable ways to find useful information about topics of interest to Lab employees.

Accounts Payable: a unit of the Controller’s Office, where you can find information about vendors, forms to request issuance of a check, arrange electronic payments, or find other information about handling vendor and non-payroll-related employee payment requests.

Acronyms: the Lab has its own language that is largely made up of acronyms. 

Affiliates: non-employee contributors engaged in Berkeley Lab activities.

Awards (SPOT): the purpose of the Spot Recognition Award program is to acknowledge and reward outstanding individual and/or team workplace contributions that occur on a day-to-day basis. Contributions should impact the quality, cost, service, safety, or resource utilization of an organizational unit, team, or department. (For safety-related recognition, please see the Safety Spot Award Program Guidelines).

B (top)

Badge Appointments: badges are required to come onsite and expire yearly. For building and/or room badge key card access, log in to access.lbl.gov to request access.

Benefits (Contacts & Resources): the Benefits Group is part of HR with responsibility for health and retirement benefits. 

Business Cards: eBuy is the Laboratory’s online solution for ordering business cards. You will need authorization, a Project ID (PID) and Activity Code to place your order.

C (top)

Cafeteria: the cafeteria closes on Friday, November 11, 2022 due to the demolition of B54.

Car Checkout (Vehicles: Car/Truck/Van): personnel who have completed the FAC0021 Government Vehicle Driver Briefing can check out a government vehicle for Lab use:

Career Pathways Office (CPO): learn about the hire and promotion process for Berkeley Lab Scientists & Engineerings as well as access Professional Development Tools.

Chemical Management System (CMS): CMS is the Lab’s primary chemical inventory system. From initial chemical purchase through chemical use and eventual disposal, CMS provides critical information about chemicals used at the Lab. It is the chemical owner’s responsibility to maintain an accurate inventory of all hazardous chemicals in CMS. Also, see the “Procurement/Purchasing” section for ordering chemicals as well as the Lab chemical/gas hazards guide and/or the Chemical Hygiene and Safety Plan – R2A2s.

Chemical Sciences Division Ethical Leadership and Conflict of Interest Policy

Clinic: update or review your vaccine status for COVID/flu, obtain prescription safety goggles, and see the medical services available at the Lab.

Commuter Benefits (Wage Works): enable Lab employees to save money by using pretax dollars to pay for commuter expenses.

Compensation: review Salary Range charts for all Berkeley Lab job classifications (archived older charts)

Computational Clusters (Lawrencium Cluster): LAWRENCIUM is the platform for the LBNL Condo Cluster Computing (LC3) program, which provides a sustainable way to meet the midrange computing requirement for Berkeley Lab. LAWRENCIUM is part of the LBNL Supercluster and shares the same Supercluster infrastructure. 

Conference Rooms: a list of all the Lab’s conference rooms that indicate capacity, Zoom set-up, whiteboards, projectors, televisions, phones, etc. To reserve a conference room, click on the “Rooms” tab next to the “Guest” tab on a Google Calendar event.

Conference Services Group: provides a wide range of professional conference planning and services, from site location to policy compliance. Their website provides information on Berkeley Lab catering, travel, lodging, and reimbursement.

Conflict Resolution/Mediation: the Berkeley Lab Conflict Resolution Services Program supports the prompt and productive resolution of conflicts and/or issues relating to or arising out of the workplace.

Contact List: see “Directory (CSD Contact List)” section.

COVID Resources: find the latest information on COVID-related protocols at the Lab.

Creative Services: a full-service center for design, editing, and production of reports, brochures, articles, and Web content. Creative Services has a staff of experienced in-house graphic designers, editors, writers, and Web developers.  Free, downloadable templates are available for letterheads, Berkeley Lab logos, and PowerPoint presentations.

Credit Monitoring (no cost): due to the University of California Accellion data breach incident in 2021, UC will continue to provide free credit monitoring services.

CSD UP: Chemical Sciences Division Undergraduate Program: a partnership between UCB College of Chemistry and the Berkeley Lab Chemical Sciences Division to provide summer internships for incoming chemistry transfer students at UCB.

Culture: Berkeley Lab's workplace culture plays a significant role in our lives as employees. It affects both our physical and mental well-being, our engagement and success in our work, and our connection to others. As we prepare Berkeley Lab for future generations, we must invest in our cultural infrastructure as much as our physical one. 

D (top)

Digital Access Initiative: The Digital Accessibility Initiative (DAI) aims to champion accessibility practices in Berkeley Lab's digital spaces and products— particularly webpages, events, and publications.

Direct Deposit: sign up for a direct deposit to your bank account for paychecks, travel, and authorized Lab reimbursements.

Director’s Award: each year, these awards are given for accomplishments, leadership, collaboration, multi-disciplinary science, cross-divisional projects, and commitment to excellence in support of the Lab’s mission and strategic goals.

Directory (CSD Contact List): a list of CSD scientists and their administrative points of contact, as well as contact information for Division Office personnel, and Division Mailing Lists. Individual contact information includes telephone and fax numbers, emails, mail stops, and office locations. 

Directory (LBNL Phonebook): look up a colleague to find their contact information (update your contact information here)

Discrimination and Harassment (FAIR Office): the mission of FAIR (Fundamental Rights, Affirmative Action, Impartial Investigations, Respectful Environment) is to help prevent and eliminate discriminatory and harassing behavior, by continually engaging the Lab community in education, conflict resolution, and impartial investigations.

Disability & Absences: the Integrated Disability & Absence Management (IDAM) Services team provides assistance to employees and supervisors on all aspects of disability and leave of absence management.

E (top)

Employee Assistance Program (EAP): helps employees and their family members find solutions to personal and work-related challenges through counseling, consultation, assessment, and referrals.  All services are voluntary, confidential, and free of charge.

Employee COVID Protocol: update your COVID vaccine status and/or review the protocol for employees you supervise.

Employee Discounts (LBNL, UCOP, Sustainable Berkeley): Berkeley Lab and the University of California offer a number of employee discounts with many companies and organizations.

Employee Lookup: the Business Analytics Reporting (BAR) system at the Lab is a great resource for looking up data and generating reports.

Employee Referral Incentive Program: the Lab provides a $500-$2,000 refereel incentive as part of the overall recruiting strategy and encourages employees to utilize their existing contacts and networks as potential sources for qualified candidates.

Employee Resource Groups (ERG): ERGs are groups of employees who join together based on shared characteristics or life experiences to provide fellowship, friendship and support, enhance career and personal development and contribute to the organization’s vision and values.

Environment, Health, & Safety (EH&S) Division: helps Berkeley Lab staff perform their work safely and in an environmentally sound manner. Also, see the “Safety” section of this list.

Ergonomics: the Berkeley Lab Ergonomics Program provides ergonomic support and services to help optimize employee safety and comfort; with the ultimate goal of reducing the likelihood and severity of ergonomic-related discomfort and/or injuries. The Ergonomics Program provides ergonomic evaluations, consultations, and training for offices, labs, shops, and material handling areas. We also stock ergonomic chairs, input devices, and accessories for you to test or purchase.

Event Planning: see the “Conference Services Group” section.

F (top)

Facilities Division: provides building maintenance and infrastructure support for over 90+ buildings at the Lab covering 200+ acres of groundwork, and in addition, management of various Lab site services and amenities. Need to check on a Facilities Work Order? Contact My FAM or the Facilities Support Hotline (510-486-6274 from M to F 7:00 am – 3:30 pm)

Family & Medical Leaves of Absence (FMLA): FMLA is a federal law that grants an eligible employee up to 12 weeks/480 hours of unpaid, job, and benefit-protected leave in a calendar year for medical reasons for themselves or a family member.

G (top)

GERT (General Employee Radiation Training): training required by all Lab employees, affiliates, and many visitors.

Guaranteed Ride Home: sign up for the Alameda County Guaranteed Ride Home Program that provides a free ride home from work if you have an emergency and you have made the effort to avoid commuting alone in your car.

Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program: provides supplemental funds for graduate awardees to conduct part of their thesis research at a host DOE laboratory/facility in collaboration with a DOE laboratory scientist for a 3 to 12-month period.  

H (top)

Hiring Guide (ESA): this hiring guide lays out best practices for minimizing bias in hiring and helping to recruit top talent to the Energy Sciences Area, consistent with recommendations from Human Resources: Talent and Acquisition.

Hiring: the process for hiring depends on the appointment type of the person joining the Lab

Human Resources Division: committed to providing and retaining a skilled, competent, and diverse workforce at Berkeley Lab. Our Division Groups provides all employees with access to essential lines of service.

I (top)

Information Technology (IT) Division: supports Berkeley Lab’s scientific mission by developing and maintaining the Lab’s computing, information, and communications infrastructure. The Help Desk can be reached at 510-486-4357 (xHELP) during business hours (you may need to provide your employee ID) or by email at help@lbl.gov.

J (top)


K (top)

L (top)

Lab Ambassador Program: one of the Talent Outreach Programs, which are responsible for developing and leading the Lab’s talent outreach efforts and showcasing Berkeley Lab's Employee Value Proposition and why we are an employer of choice.

Lactation Rooms: Berkeley Lab respects and supports the needs of nursing mothers by allowing adequate time at an appropriate location for your needs.

Learning & Organizational Development (L&OD): we advance Berkeley Lab’s mission by enabling stewardship & team science, and offer transformative learning and organizational development experiences for all employees.

Linked-In Learning (use LDAP)(Learning Website and TABL Article): all employees have access to Linked-In Learning, which provides video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative, and business skills. 

M (top)

Mailing Lists (Google Groups): review, manage, and create Google Groups that serve as mailing lists for the different groups at the Lab.

Maps: find the location of buildings across the vast Berkeley Lab site.


MyFamily @ Berkeley Lab: provides a centralized location for parents and others to find information on services related to children, youth, elders, pets, and self-care.

N (top)

NOW Conference: The Next Opportunity at Work conference is designed to support UC staff with career and professional development through inspiring keynote speakers, workshops, community building with peers, and career planning resources.

O (top)


Open Enrollment: employees sign up for next year’s benefits starting in October of each year.

Operations Divisions:

Organization Chart (LBNL): LBNL’s multiprogram research mission is supported by 22 scientific divisions in six research areas partnering with seven operations divisions.

P (top)

Parking: review parking policy, permit designations, and parking lot maps and closures.

Payroll: links for downloading forms that may be required to arrange direct deposit of paychecks or credit union deductions; and government tax forms such as the California State Withholding Form and the Certificate of Foreign Status for Federal Tax Withholding. 

Phones: see Telephone Services for land and soft lines and Mobile Services for cell phones and wifi. Division Phone Coordinators are listed here.

Policies (RPM): sets forth the University of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory policies that help define a framework for Laboratory operations and derives its authority from Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231, Section C.4(d), Clause I.120, and Department of Energy Order 414.1d.

Position Descriptions: see “Jobs” section.

Postdoc Resources: the Postdoc Program is committed to providing Postdoctoral Researchers and Visiting scholars with a positive and impactful experience to jump-start their career through premium research and career development, networking opportunities, mentoring programs, and a strong community.

Procurement/Purchasing: The Procurement and Property Management Department is responsible for the acquisition of goods and services, as well as the management of Lab assets. The Procurement Web site offers links and guidance for the electronic purchase of supplies and equipment. 

Profile (biography, experts): search the profiles of LBNL personnel and update your own profile by logging into the UC Publication System (how to guide)

Promotions & Reclassifications Presentation: Course Objectives: 1) Deliver an Overview of the fundamentals of the Lab promotion and reclassification process and related concepts. 2) Bring transparency to the promotions process and the resources available. 3) Share resources and tools that support career development pursuits.

Property Management: Property Management & Property Accounting reports are available in the LBNL BAR system. Email CSDAssets@lbl.gov if you have any property questions or concerns.

Publications: manage your publications and ensure your publically funded research is open access by logging into the UC Publication System.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program: a federal program created for those in public service jobs (including the University of California/LBNL), offering the opportunity to have their federal loan balances forgiven after 120 qualifying monthly payments.

Q (top)

R (top)

Recruiting: see “Jobs” section.

Reports: the LBNL Business Analytics & Reports (BAR) system allows Lab personnel to run reports on funding, procurement, travel, space, assets, and personnel rosters.

Research Compliance Office: supports the ethics and integrity of the outstanding research performed in our Lab and fosters a fair, diverse, equitable, and respectful environment. RCO assists Lab researchers by addressing questions or concerns, providing advice, tools, resources and training around scientific conduct, research ethics, research security, managing conflicts of interest as well as international engagements.

Resignations or Expiring Appointments: Employees who plan to resign from Berkeley Lab employment are requested to give their supervisors two weeks or more in advance, when possible, to enable prompt planning and recruitment of replacements. Submit the resignation notice in writing (letter or email). 

Retirement Resources (UC)

Reviews (system login): the Lab conducts an annual Performance Management Process (PMP) for Staff and Postdocs.

S (top)

Safety (CSD): Safety is central to the culture of Berkeley Lab. In the Chemical Sciences Division, our research routinely involves the use of hazardous chemicals, high-powered high-harmonic lasers, rare radiological isotopes, and radiation-generating equipment. That is why Integrated Safety Management (ISM) is especially important to us and informs all the work we do. The objective of the CSD Integrated Safety Management approach is to consistently perform work in a safe and environmentally sound manner.  Working safely is simply a part of how we do our jobs and work to accomplish our mission.

Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program: this DOE program provides funds for graduate awardees to conduct part of their thesis research at a host DOE laboratory/facility in collaboration with a DOE laboratory scientist for a 3 to 12-month period.  The research must address high-priority scientific challenges central to the Office of Science mission.  More information about the program is available at https://science.osti.gov/wdts/scgsr

Separation from the Lab (login to AskUs to make request)

Shipping/Receiving Samples: the Lab has training requirements and procedures that must be followed to ship or receive samples.

Shuttle Service: The Laboratory provides shuttle bus services, contracted through RydeTrans. Routes run throughout its 200-acre facility, downtown Berkeley, local off-site facilities, UC Campus, Downtown Berkeley BART, and Rockridge BART stations. Shuttles offer free wifi onboard. Riders are asked to adhere to riding instructions.

Site Access: for building and/or room key card access, log in to access.lbl.gov to request access.

Stewardship Values:  In April 2021, the updated Stewardship Values for LBNL were introduced that will guide day-to-day decisions and behavior. These values are team science, stewardship, trust, innovation, and respect.

Supervisor Toolkit: this toolkit highlights best practices and guidance that are common for all supervisors in any team or organizational context. 

T (top)

Talent Acquisition and Outreach Resources: This site provides Berkeley Lab’s hiring managers and staff with key resources and guides to help them better understand and leverage the various elements, requirements, best practices, and activities related to talent acquisition.

Telecommuting: the Lab provides onsite, hybrid, and fully remote work options depending on the nature of your work and the requirements of your position.

Telephones: see Telephone Services for land and soft lines and Mobile Services for cell phones and wifi. Division Phone Coordinators are listed here.

Timecards (LETS): the Lab Employee Time System (LETS) is the required time and attendance system for LBNL and it allows employees to enter time worked and supervisors to review and approve time. Click here for more Timecard Resources.

Training: the Lab has many required and optional training courses.

Travel Services Office: a step-by-step procedure that explains how to authorize travel, obtain reservations, and submit vouchers and receipts for reimbursement.

Tuition Assistance Program (TAP): the Lab supports staff to secure a college or university education or professional certification that will help increase effectiveness in their current position and for career development. Through the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), eligible Career employees can receive tuition assistance for courses at an accredited college/university or professional institution.

U (top)

UC Path Login (LBL Website): UCPath is your online self-service tool for pay, benefits, and other HR transaction activities.

V (top)

Vehicle Checkout (Car/Truck/Van): see Car Checkout

Vending Machine List: find a snack or drink vending machine by building number across the Lab site.

Verification of Employment: All Verification of Employment requests are processed through UCPath.  

VISA Services (IRSO): the International Researchers and Scholars Office (IRSO) helps facilitate the visa process for employees and affiliates, and provides expert advice to foreign nationals, division management, and HR partners. They assist with preparing documents necessary to gain and maintain legal status in the U.S.

Visitor Passes: the Lab site can only be accessed by staff and visitors who are pre-authorized through the Site Access Management System.

W (top)

Workplace Violence Prevention: Our Lab Plan for Workplace Violence Prevention is designed to ensure the safety of our community and is also consistent with a California state law that requires every employer to establish, implement, and maintain an effective Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (California Labor Code, Section 6401.9).

Work Mode Assignment Tool: supervisors need to designate the work mode of their employees (onsite, hybrid, telecommuting, remote) after having discussions with the personnel they supervise. See the Way We Work Website for more information.

X (top)

Y (top)

Z (top)

The CSD Ops team supports Berkeley Lab’s mission by providing researchers and staff with professional, timely services and expertise. 

Questions? Contact the CSD Senior Business Manager:

Terry Calarco, TLCalarco@lbl.gov, 510-486-5832

Resources for CSD Office Personnel