CSD Timekeeping

Weekly Employees 

Monthly Employees

Supervise Weekly Employees 

Supervise Monthly Employees 

If you have any questions, contact the LETS or Payroll by submitting a ticket via AskUs

How do I access my timecard and enter my time?

*If you are not sure whether you have a Berkeley Lab Identity/LDAP account, ask your supervisor, or call the Help Desk at x4357. If you have an LDAP but haven't activated it, or forgot your password, go HERE.

How do I approve my employees' time in LETS? 

*If you are not sure whether you have a Berkeley Lab Identity/LDAP account call the Help Desk at x4357. If you have an LDAP but haven't activated it, or forgot your password, go HERE.

What if I need to change my timesheet?

If the sweep hasn't happened yet: You can make the changes yourself. If your supervisor has already Approved your timesheet, first ask them to UnApprove your timesheet. Click the UnRelease button if you've already Released your timesheet, then make your changes. You may need to Delete the incorrect line, if the Modify button won't accept your changes. Be sure to Release your timesheet again (and Confirm). Let your supervisor know it's ok for them to Approve your timesheet again.

If the sweep has already occurred: Contact the CSD Timekeeper at  CSDLETS@lbl.gov to submit the needed changes. 

I missed the sweep deadline! 

I'm a GSRA. How many hours should I report?

Graduate students should refer to this email on recording GSRA time in LETS.

How do I add Project IDs & Activity IDs to Favorites?

To assist you in remembering the project ID/activity ID to which you will be charging your work hours, you can save them to your Favorites by following the below instructions: 

Note that PID/AID Favorites can only be set by the employee. 

More about sweeps 

Employee time is swept on regular intervals in order to ensure accurate pay checks.  Employees must enter, Release, and Confirm their time cards prior to these deadlines and should allow time for their supervisor to approve the time cards as well.

The CSD Timekeeping team supports Berkeley Lab’s mission by providing researchers and staff with professional, timely services and expertise. 

Questions? Contact the CSD Business Operations Supervisor:

Deb Smith, DASmith@lbl.gov, 510-486-5335

Resources for CSD Office Personnel