Non-life Threatening Injury
For life-threatening emergencies call 911
For life-threatening emergencies call 911
For non-life-threatening injuries such as small wounds, sprains or strains, report to:
For non-life-threatening injuries such as small wounds, sprains or strains, report to:
Health Services
Building 26
Between 7:30 AM and 3:30 PM on regular business days
(510) 486-6266
For after-hours treatment:
For after-hours treatment:
There is an after-hours first aid box located outside the entrance to building 26, and is accessible with your LBNL badge.
Report your injury to health services, your supervisor and your safety coordinator the following day.
If you’re after-hours injury is more severe than first aid:
If you’re after-hours injury is more severe than first aid:
Call your personal physician.
Proceed to the nearest clinic or hospital emergency room.
Report to the Alameda County fire Department Station 19 at building 48 (510) 486-6999.
Report your injury to health services, your supervisor and your safety coordinator the following day.